An Introduction to
The Complete Song Cycle of Shi Jing (The book of songs)
Never could a legacy be obliterated, nor could classics be elder. China is the native place of Shi Jing and the pulpit of the Analects of Confucius, so we should loudly recite the classic of the nation." For 5,000 years in the river of Chinese culture, Chinese poetry is a cultural treasure of the nation, but also a veritable mother tongue and the root of the national music. Confucius said: “Three Hundreds of Poetries, in a word, express those thoughts naively”. Shi Jing are of beauty, and the beauty lies in the sincere emotional expression. Of cause, the value of the Shi Jing is not only in literature, but also in the important mission to teach people good deeds. It goes in the Analects • Tai Bo that one should study poetry first as elementary education, and then learn etiquette in dealing with people, finally being influenced by music, the personality could be perfect, that’s the way in which one could be of self-cultivation.
The Complete Song Cycle of Shi Jing — the new musical interpretation of the old Songs — melting poetry, etiquette and music in one, not only restores but also rebuilds the traditional culture. Coming from ancient, the elegant art of poetries and songs should be popularized, developed and inherited. Let’s enjoy it together and wish it rejuvenated.
《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集, 被后人们誉为最古老的歌谣,世界上最美的诗集,其思想和艺术上的高度成就在我国乃至世界文学史上都闪烁着永不泯灭的光辉。《诗经•乐图》套曲是鳟鱼歌剧团组织创作,由作曲家刘天石作曲,历时2年完成制作。
1. The Practical Significance of the Complete Song Cycle of Songs
Shi Jing is first poetry collection in China, being hailed as the most ancient ballads, the most beautiful poems all over the world. It is their thoughts and highly artistic achievements in the world literature history as well as in Chinese that they have been flashing and never devoid of glory. The Complete Song Cycle of Shi Jing is an Original of Guangzhou Trout Opera Troupe, composed by Liu Tian-shi, a young composer. It took two years for this troupe to operate the Song Cycle and its stage performances.
Many new ideas,new categories and new expressions both of the foreign and domestic are integrated in this works in order to disseminate Chinese voice and promote Chinese culture as well. By means of music and performances,the righteousness and the etiquette are refreshed, the fine traditional Chinese culture and national spirit are reflected — being noble and auspicious;benevolent yet stern and ambitious;the gentleman demeanor, self diligence and courage to bear;to repay the debt and love specificity.
If only she¬ ¬—the Complete Song Cycle of Shi Jing —could guide people today to cherish the outstanding achievements of Chinese civilization,frame core values,promote social morality and professional ethics,rebuild family virtues and personal moral education, carry forward the traditional virtues, and establish a style of new era, adhere to a correct view of history, an outlook of state and nation, and the national culture. If only she could inspirit the national soul of realizing the great dream finally.
2. A brief interpretation on the Complete Song Cycle of Songs
“君子之道,造端乎夫妇,及其至也,察乎天地” 君子的道,开始于普通男女,但它的最高深境界却昭著于整个天地。
“Both a man and a woman of noble character behave as a gentleman and a gentlewoman in their couple life, only in this way and in their highest realm, could they go in for a great cause which might be impeccable in the world”.
In those years of Shi Jing, people were quaint and simple in minds, frank and enthused in emotions. The Complete Song Cycle of Shi Jing — ten poems excerpts from Shi Jing, with “love” “Couples fate” as the main line through the plot. The performances reappear ancient scenes where men and women had their first date, their tokens of love, their marriage, their goal with determination. With all the poetries, music and figures, some of beautiful, pure, noble Chinese stories thousands of years ago come before you.
The Complete Song Cycle of Songs can be divided into:
Part I:
" The deer with pleased sound " [Lesser Ya], “Green Grass” [Airs of Zheng], "Moonrise" [Airs of Chen],
"apaya" [Airs of Wei ] and " Your Blue Collar " [Airs of Zheng], " Qiang Zhong- Zi "[Airs of Zheng]
Part II:
“Wedding Night” [Airs of Tang ], " Cocks Are Crowing "[Airs of Zheng ], " Cricket "[ Airs of Tang],
“The crane with pleased sound " [[Lesser Ya].
3. The Stage Performances of the Song Cycle
For the stage performances of the Song Cycle, a combination of Chinese and Western musical instruments have been prepared by the band to show Scenario Singing with deferent scenes. In harmony background, fourth or fifth intervals have been superimposed as the primary musical structure. On the basis of the traditional Pentatonic scales of China, — including the various steps derived from the same Tonic of systems with alternate tonalities—it turns out that the composition has not only one of the basic elements of Chinese traditions but also sounds stylish. With the modern perspective and modern musical elements, the works’ stage performances not only show a rich ethnic style but also a new aesthetic level. With simple feelings, the works describe the ten ancient poems above by its music and stage performances so that the voices with music and scenes make such harmonious pictures one after another.
. 舞美构思源于诗经(西周)的质朴内涵。为营造出诗、乐、图的各种意境色彩,本场演出采用了古朴典雅的舞台设计和服饰造型,同时融入了极具创意的时代元素,使人们有穿越时空的虚幻错觉。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,当听众陶醉于酣畅淋漓的听觉盛宴之时,无形中也加深了对诗经的感悟。
Choreography ideas come from the rustic connotation in Shi Jing (Xi Zhou). In order to create poems with music and different mood color of pictures, the elegant simple stages and costume styles have been designed. While incorporating creative elements of era, people could experience the illusion of going through time and space. “Sneaking into the night wind, spring rains moisten plants silently". When the audiences revel in the performances and relish the moment, subtly they would come to understand the Songs’ sentiment.
The Performances do not pursue jumping flashy style of music and dazzling brilliant stage effect of figures but in an elegant soft way of depth, try best to embody the reverence for this great nation epic — the Book of Songs .
Guangzhou Trout Opera Troupe
August 8, 2014